Sunday, 13 February 2011

56. Perpetuum Mobile – Penguin Café Orchestra (1987)

The Penguin Café Orchestra is a group of musicians working alongside composer guitarist and arranger Simon Jeffes who produced some of the UK’s most recognisable music between 1976 and 1997. Many people have never heard of the orchestra’s work but will recognise this piece from the numerous times it has been used on television (most recently in ‘The Apprentice’) and other pieces such as ‘Telephone and Rubber Band’ from the Mercury 1-2-1 adverts.

As a lover of minimalist and repetitive music (I adore Michael Nyman and Philip Glass too) this piece is one of my favourites. The slow piano opening followed by the instantly recognisable repetition of a simple piano refrain enhanced by the violins and cello allowing them to take over the refrain as the piece continues and adding depth to the music really makes this a truly great piece.

Listen to the song….

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