I remember playing this record in my bedroom over the winter of 1982 and looking out across the street and seeing the snow. We had had a change round in the house and I moved to the bedroom at the front of the house which had a massive bay window and afforded me a good view of the street where I lived and could see my friends approaching the house and could wave to others that passed as I sat (by the window) doing the hours and hours of homework that I got from school.
Having the heating on in our house (as I think I may have mentioned) was reserved for extreme emergencies when it was more than unusually cold so I made use of a dangerous paraffin heater in my room before my mother had a gas heater installed some time later!
I had been a fan of the original ‘Human League’ already, but was utterly captivated by ‘Dare’ and the new sound that Phil and the girls had created after splitting from the other part of the band who went on to become Heaven 17.
The use of the very latest synthesisers and the Lin Drum machine (which were cutting edge at the time) and programming made ‘Dare’ a truly amazing album.
I have since discovered that this song was never intended to be a single, but I am so glad that it was as I loved playing it nice and loud in my room and still love it today.
Now listen to the song….
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